Warm Data Labs & People Need People
You are warmly invited to a heartfelt, caring exploration of the unprecedented systems change we live through.
We’ll relate in a new way to what we notice, a way that makes a difference. Warm Data Labs and People Need People are a series of conversations where individuals share their stories and experiences during a facilitated experience. A creation of Nora Bateson and organized by trained hosts, hosts and participants practice being in relationship across all dimensions of their lives, including our relationship with ourselves. The experience is co-created in collective and opens possibilities in ways we can’t predict. Amidst these vastly changing times, the experience invites deep connection to one another. Warm Data Labs are in-person experiences and People Need People is facilitated online.
- September ’24 People Need People (online)
- October ’24 People Need People (online)
- November ’24 People Need People (online)
“Hope lies in the very fact that, as living beings, we are made for relationship. It is only possible to express our humanity in relationship to other human beings. We exude warm data in our eyes, our smiles, our verbal and non-verbal conversations, and the importance we attune to relationships with others at the personal, family, and community levels and in local, national, and global contexts. We also can reach into ancient wisdom to add to our store of warm data and the capabilities unleashed when ‘I see you in me and me in you’. Our well-being and that of our planet is possible only if we permit ourselves to perceive and embrace the rich expressions of who we are as living human communities and to find a way in relationship. This will require warmth and rigorous attention to relational integrity above the anxiety to control.”
– Nora Bateson